“Tokyo Ghoul 2” Anime Start Date Listed

Sequel returns to Tokyo MX for launch of broadcast on January 8th

A new listing has the Tokyo Ghoul anime returning to Tokyo MX for the launch of its broadcast on January 8th. TV Aichi, TV Osaka, TVQ Kyushu, AT-X and Dlife broadcasts will start over the next week.


Tokyo Ghoul:Old Days, prose stories about the past lives of Touka Kirishima, Ayato Kirishima, Kaneki and Hideyoshi Nagachika, is set to be collected December 19th, along with the first collecton of the new Tokyo Ghoul: Re.


Volume 4 of the first TV anime, with episodes 10-12, hits Japan on December 26th.


Via Crunchy Roll

OP-ED 9 Woman Sold Pot To Raise Grand-Kids

In this article it talks about how a 65 year old women Candace Kelly who daughter died had to sell pot to take care of her grand kids. She sold hundreds of pound of marijuana from her home for 4 years.

She was charged last fall after the police found 64 pound of “hydro” and $460,000 in her home in Buffalo township.

But those charges where drop because of complications with the search warrant just to be charged again last January after a grand jury investigation.

Kelly pleaded guilty Wednesday in Butler County and faces up to 10 years in prison.

This is ridiculous to me. The woman was just trying to feed and take car of her grand kids. Now if the police gave her a fine or put here on house arrest the fine but she is now facing 10 years that is a little bit too much if you ask me. But the main question is this, Who is going to look after and take care of the kids? I hope that they will be OK and wont be put in the system.

First Look At The Live-Action Attack On Titan Movie

If you haven’t heard, massively popular manga and anime series Attack On Titan is getting a live-action movie. And this is the very first look at the adapted characters (including some new characters as well).

Website Sanspo and Eiga jointly released the first-ever Attack on Titan posters. Sadly no Titans were seen, but these images do give us a good idea to the general feel of the movie. According to Anime News Network, there are seven new characters and Hasegawa’s character Shikishima is “humanity’s strongest man.” Also, it’s worth noting that these character appear to be standing in some sort of post-apocalyptic world? Maybe, it also could just be the photoshoot and working with what they had. Either way, is this movie set in a different location that what we’re used to?

And here’s what Anime News Network has to say about the look of the characters:

On the cast selection, producer Yoshihiro Sato said he did not pay as much attention to whether or not the cast members looked like the original characters. Instead, he had many discussions with Attack on Titan manga creator Hajime Isayama and went with actors who could act out the “characters’ spirits
Attack on Titan is set in a world where gigantic monsters (Titans) roam around eating humans, seemingly willy-nilly with no reason other than to shove flesh into their creepy smiling mouths. It’s horrifying and we can’t wait to see what they look like “IRL.” But until then, enjoy your look at live action Eren and friends.







Article and pictures from io9

New Naruto Manga Gets April 2015 Release Date; Creator Masashi Kishimoto Talks Next Story

It’s been reported the Naruto Manga won’t necessarily end with Chapter 700, but mini-series will be released in 2015. However, in a new interview with Naruto creator Masashi Kishimoto, fans of the popular manga learned it will premier in April.

In the January issue of Kadokawa’s Entermix magazine — via Anime News Network — Masashi Kishimoto spoke about the upcoming miniseries and what he is working on that is not Naruto-related.

While Kishimoto didn’t say April — the magazine specified the month — the Naruto creator told the magazine that he will start work on the mini-series in the Spring of 2015. He also said that he has a lot of story left to tell in the Naruto universe and that it won’t end till the Summer of 2015.

So for those expecting Kishimoto’s next manga, will have to wait till then. He has a few ideas in his head regarding his next manga but won’t reveal them just yet. He does, however, feel his fans will be pleased with the next story.

Kishimoto also recognizes the fact that at 40 years old it will be difficult for him to do a weekly series — as Naruto was. While he hasn’t decided if his next manga will be a weekly, he does ask fans to not be harsh on him if he cannot keep up with the weekly schedule.

But until the Summer of 2015, Kishimoto hopes to go on a proper honeymoon with his wife of 10 years. The success and time dedicated to Naruto has kept him from having that time with his wife and that he would like to spend more time with his kids as well.

Entermix Magazine also notes that a Naruto art exhibit will open in Tokyo in the Spring and Osaka in the Summer. This is all part of the Naruto New Era Opening Project.

How do you feel about the Naruto mini-series? Any guesses as to what Kishimoto’s next manga will be about? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

Article form Idigitaltimes


In this article from the web site stuppid, There was a story about a lesbian couple. The thing about this lesbian couple that separates them form any other lesbians is that the two are mother and daughter! Here is what they had to say.

“Vertasha and I knew we were attracted to each other when she was sixteen,” Mary Carter said. “But we decided to wait to have sex until she was eighteen, legally of age. We are now going public with our relationship to help others who might be in gay mother/daughter relationship feel confident and okay about coming out. We want the world to know we love each other as mother and daughter and romantically.”

Now I read this article (and you can read it here) and i thought that it was repulsive and i know i might get some slack from my followers but the thought of a mother and a daughter being together sexually was sickening. I kept looking at the article though, and something about it that didn’t sit right with me. It was the way the article looked it was missing something, it was off. so i searched the the mothers and the daughters names and come to find out this article was a hoax. Apparently stuppid.com is none for things like that. oh well. Tell me what you think of the article or how you would feel about a weird relationship like this in the comment section below.

Japanese “Naruto” Fans Can Watch Every Episode of the Anime For Free

Lucky Naruto fans in Japan will soon have a chance to go back and revisit the series from the very beginning with a special app that will deliver episodes of the anime and issues of the manga via Shueisha.

The app, called Naruto Muryou Manga Rensai & Anime Housou Koushiki Apuri (Naruto Free Manga Serial & Anime Broadcasting Official App) will provide anime fans completely free episodes from the original series’ 220-episode run every Monday and Thursday as well as one free issue of the manga daily.

Unfortunately, there have been no plans announced to bring this to Western fans, so those of you looking to go back to the beginning or get started in the first place will have to look toward other resources to get your fix!

naruto 1

naruto 2

Via (Crunchyroll)

OP-ED Piece #6 Put Racism in The right Place?

This year marks the 50th ANNIVERSARY OF THE UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS! This is a great mark for PoC’s (People of Color) and for people in general. And on that deceleration this is what the preamble said

Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world,

Whereas disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind, and the advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the commonpeople,

Whereas it is essential, if man is not to be compelled to have recourse, as a last resort, to rebellion against tyranny and oppression, that human rights should be protected by the rule of law,

Whereas it is essential to promote the development of friendly relations between nations,

Whereas the peoples of the United Nations have in the Charter reaffirmed their faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person and in the equal rights of men and women and have determined to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom,

Whereas Member States have pledged themselves to achieve, in co-operation with the United Nations, the promotion of universal respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms,

Whereas a common understanding of these rights and freedoms is of the greatest importance for the full realization of this pledge,

Here Is a video that show how racism should be handled. The point of the video was to show that no one should be discriminated against and being rude gets you nowhere. I think they should have made another video as well about the history of the declaration. I believe that videos like this are necessary and videos like these make it plain for those who are still in denial about this matter.

Racism is still alive today, regardless of how many peace conferences, and rally’s we have its still gonna be around. Unless we stop teaching hate to our children and remove that hate from our hearts we cant move forward as a people. If you like to read this declaration click this link below.



Picture Thanks to i-am-bored.com

Op-ED Piece #5 Bring it to sexy of nah?

I have personally have watched the show Bring it with my female friends and i have to say that i really like it. The consist of a group of young girls out of Jackson Mississippi that dance in battles against other dance teams. The group is lead by Miss D or Dianna Williams. She is a great coach in my opinion. Some people might say her method is too harsh but the results that come from that so called harsh coaching are nothing less that great. Its been countless occasions that this team has won. And that’s what the show displays is their excellent. But with showing their wins it also the losses and how they struggle with the practices and them learning new stands. The show also goes in to the lives of the girls. One episode in particular it showed the struggle of two girls one named Sunjai and the other the head captain Kayla making the decision of going to prom and how to prepare for prom. But the real stars of this show isn’t the girls or Miss D. It’s the PARENTS. The parents of the show bring the funny every episode. With their quirky plans to help their daughters in any way or just to spy through the glass from the out side its always a joy to watch the parents support their kids. Some people may also say that the dances that the girls perform maybe to adult for there age. I don’t believe so. The dances are battle style stances and at college level dancers dance the same way. I see it as more of a preparation for the girls when they do make it to that level. I don’t see nothing wrong with the dance style and I encourage them to continue and strive for greatness.

The most memorable deaths in comic book history!

We all had that moment when you got way to attached to a comic book character and then suddenly the worst happens. DEATH! Thats right your favorite character kicks the bucket, and since wolverine just died in the death of wolverine comic, here is my top 5 deaths in comic book history!
5. The phoneix/Jean Grey
4. Neji Huga (even though its a manga)
3. Gwen Stacy
2. Superman
1. Robin (Jason Todd)
The guardian put togther there list right here

Tell me you most memorable comic book deaths in the comments below.


photo courtesy of theguardian.com

OP-ED #4 George Washington Carver

George Washington Carver was one of my idols as a kid learning about African-American history. I would Love learning about his life and all the different things he made out of the peanut. Reading this really opened my eyes about this mans life. I knew from my past research that he had a unusual high pitched voice but I never would of thought it was from castration. The article said that “Carver became a house servant and since he was going to spend a majority of time in the house, his owner didn’t want him to rape his daughter, so he took away his ability to mature into a full functioning adult male.” This is just ridiculous, to take a 11 year old boys manhood from him. This comes to show you even the greatest of minds like George Washington Carver was not safe against horrible slave crimes and ignorance of slave masters.