Whats your Favorite Horror Anime?

Growing up with my sister and cousins we used to love watching horror movies. I mean the classics like Nightmare on Elm Street, Child’s Play, Friday the 13th and Halloween. Around that time i was fairly new to Anime and Japanese culture. Back then i thought Anime was just a combination of action and “girly” shows like DBZ and Sailor moon, but never have I put the two worlds of Anime and Horror together. Until I stumbled upon a show when I was 14 called Elfen Lied. This show added a new genre of anime to me and I haven’t turned back since. The good people at Bloody Disgusting put together a list of their favorite horror anime’s shows. Maybe one of the show they choose is a classic to you maybe its a new one. Which horror anime do you remember the most? Hellsing/Ultimate? Paranoia Agent? Future Diary? or Pupa? (eww… the memories) Leave me your comments below.



Picture Provided by AnimeOut.com