OP-ED 9 Woman Sold Pot To Raise Grand-Kids

In this article it talks about how a 65 year old women Candace Kelly who daughter died had to sell pot to take care of her grand kids. She sold hundreds of pound of marijuana from her home for 4 years.

She was charged last fall after the police found 64 pound of “hydro” and $460,000 in her home in Buffalo township.

But those charges where drop because of complications with the search warrant just to be charged again last January after a grand jury investigation.

Kelly pleaded guilty Wednesday in Butler County and faces up to 10 years in prison.

This is ridiculous to me. The woman was just trying to feed and take car of her grand kids. Now if the police gave her a fine or put here on house arrest the fine but she is now facing 10 years that is a little bit too much if you ask me. But the main question is this, Who is going to look after and take care of the kids? I hope that they will be OK and wont be put in the system.

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